Friday, May 16, 2008

The Party is over...

So my little sojourn has come to an end. My dad judges busy days in Rarotonga as ones were you only get one nap… I must say I never got to take a nap except when Milli gave me a facial and I snored my head off! It was, to say the least, a whirlwind of a trip and well worth it. To catch up with family was the highlight for sure. But the relaxed atmosphere of Rarotonga and the friendly nature of the locals made it smooth and pleasant… just like the weather!

I didn’t take a lot of photos, but hopefully enough to give a feel of the place. I have included a few of my favorites here. You can also check out my website for images at and an audio visual show on you-tube or for a better quality of the same show were you can make the show full screen for better viewing

Anyhow that’s it for now... thank you to the Kelly's, Richards and Tombleson's for making me feel welcome.

Kia Orana yáll

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